Safari yetu yabamba @ GIST Boot Camp
150 Entrepreneurs from East Africa came on Tuesday and Wednesday May 7 & 8, 2013 at Blue Pearl Hotel for GIST Startup Boot Camp. DTBi is an autonomous entity of COSTECH functioning as a public-private sector programme assisting early stage ICT companies by lowering the cost of business and Increasing the chances of business survival because of;
- Access to shared resources and building infrastructure;
- Facilitating access to finance and market through credible support, guidance and business management;
- Targeted mentoring and coaching; and
- Networking for technical trends and opportunities to access markets.
DTBi is a business driven but not for a profit, The incubator has its own Board whose members come from the private sectors (including Banking sector), Government, Civil Society, Telecommunications sectorand Academia.
The GIST Startup Boot Camp was a two day in dare s salaam experience that was designed to teach entrepreneurial skills in a hands on environment and enable entrepreneurs to launch and grow companies. More Than Twenty entrepreneurs hail from East Africa with the support of infoDev and united state of America.
The GIST Startup Boot Camps cover all aspects of entrepreneurship, including assessment, brainstorming, ideation, team building, product development and execution. The program includes a mix of simulations, hands-on exercises, lectures, mentorship, as well as an opportunity to pitch and get feedback from investors.
The Goal of GIST camp; to enhance the skills of tech entrepreneur and inspire them to start a new companies.
Hon, January Makamba Deputy Minister for communication,Science & Technology he gave the speech at official closing of two days in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.
Top Eleven of GIST Startup Boot Camp East Africa
The Winner for GIST Startup Boot Camp East Africa Arnold Minde, developed branded system safari yetu
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